Let's Collaborate!
You may have noticed the lack of pop-ups and advertisements on our website. We have chosen to keep an uncluttered look and feel to our pages. To accomplish this, we are primarily self-funded, but may be hosted by the places we visit. We love working with cities and businesses to showcase experiences our readers will enjoy. This means we are thoughtful about our collaborations and keep the end goal in mind. Most of our partnerships are with the tourism boards of towns and cities. While this allows us to continue our exploring each year, we do not let it alter our voice. The goal of our blog is to showcase a variety of options from each destination. This will help our readers develop their own unique trip itinerary, which hopefully will include some locally-owned stops.
So far, we have visited over half of the states and we have a goal of seeing all fifty. We have also visited six foreign countries in North America. We always travel together and our skills, when combined, make us the perfect travel blogging team. We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website, and hopefully, you will see the value in collaborating with us. Each year we try to add around a dozen new cities to our growing library of vacation destinations. We’d love to discuss the possibility of adding your hometown to our growing list. Feel free to drop us an email and we will be sure to respond.