We find Wichita to be a great destination for an easy getaway. When a chance to return to the largest city in Kansas came up, we weren’t about to let it pass. During our last visit, we ran out of time before we made it to Exploration Place. Missing out on this hands-on science center had left us feeling like our visit was incomplete. This time we put it as our first stop, so there was no chance of missing it again. As we approached the museum, our hearts sped up in anticipation of the fun held within those walls. Time for us to act like kids, again.
Did I Do That?
Let’s face it, learning about the body comes with surprises. While we all have one, how much do we really know about its functions? Health Inside Out is a section dedicated to teaching about something near and dear to us all. The area has a selection of exhibits that deal with serious issues, like tinnitus. It also has some fun displays, like the Fart Chair. I just couldn’t pass up that opportunity.
Blast From The Past
Before leaving this section, Crystal wanted to try her hand at an oldie. Exploration Place has a huge version of Operation that works just like the ones we had as kids. She went to work fixing all of the big guy’s ailments and pretty soon I could tell she was feeling like a pro. A buzzer and lit nose reminded her that being a successful surgeon requires attention and a steady hand.
Familiar Sites
Being lifelong flatlanders, we had to check out the Kansas in Miniature exhibit. The display is designed to replicate 1950s Kansas. Well, they may have taken a few liberties. I’m pretty sure there weren’t many dinosaurs roaming the plains a decade after World War II. The exhibit has so many hidden gems that we spent quite a bit of time examining it. We enjoyed spotting places we have visited, as well as finding sights we still have on our “to-do” list.
Wichita Opportunities
Stepping into Design Build Fly brought us to the core of Wichita. This Midwestern city has its roots deep in the aviation industry. This exhibit has a group of stations that lets visitors take the designing and building of an aircraft into their own hands. We had a chance to design everything from our airplanes seats to its paint job. At the end, we even kicked back in a luxury jet as we pretended to be traversing the globe in style.
Act Like Kids
Our last stop landed us in medieval times. Where Kids Rule is designed like a castle and courtyard. The hands-on activities included fishing, building a bridge, and even riding a steed. Crystal couldn’t wait to climb up to the higher levels for a view. I stayed on the ground, where I explored the blcksmith shop. With so much to see and do, it was a sad moment when we realized we needed to wrap up our visit. Now that we’ve seen Exploration Place in person, we can’t wait for our next Wichita visit to act like kids again.