They say that we first dine with our eyes. It’s true that an appealing presentation makes a difference, but we feel it can go beyond the plate. Our visit to Truck Farm Tavern included an abundance of eye candy that decorates a large portion of the wall space. When you add that to the artistic cuisine delivered to our table, we found this visit to be wonderful. It made for an interesting departure from the local fare we had been enjoying at the regional Cajun restaurants that draw in tons of visitors each year.
We want to thank Louisiana River Parishes and Truck Farm Tavern for hosting our visit. Rest assured all opinions are our own.
Artful Destination
Truck Farm Tavern pays homage to days long gone. Back in a time when small farm markets were commonplace in towns all across the country. That is the feel they are going for at this homey eatery. The space has a long history of serving the community and was previously a Po’boy sandwich shop. This aspiration to tie to the farming past has driven the staff to strive for farm-fresh meals that showcase the local flavors. Fortunately, they are located in a region that is awash with a variety of fresh ingredients that can be assembled into uniquely artistic cuisine.
Color It Up
With so many delectable Cajun meals under our belt, we were excited to sample some other flavors. On this day in particular, we were still digesting an abundant barbecue lunch we had enjoyed nearby. Crystal decided to switch it up and go lighter for dinner. The River Road Salad is an artistic cuisine choice that brings the colors of summer to the table. A fresh assortment of greens is decorated with roasted beets, pickled red onions, fresh goat cheese, and sweetly candied pecans. I could tell that she was enjoying this fresh treat that would help her justify a potential ice cream run later in the evening.
Artistic Cuisine
Woodward’s Cuban is an assembly of pulled pork, ham, Swiss cheese, and Tabasco pickles. This band of flavors is pressed inside freshly toasted Cuban bread. Being a huge fan of Cuban sammies, this really hit the spot for me. In fact, the fried plantains was a fitting addition to this artistic cuisine specialty. As we dined on our dishes, we noted the wide variety of artwork that decorates this restaurant. Some pieces had a familiar appearance and we knew they were not just works of local artists.
Take It Outside
Making our stop as an early dinner meant that we had the restaurant mostly to ourselves. It didn’t take long for others to begin filing in, but by then we were almost done eating. After dinner, we took a tour of the other spaces, including an outdoor venue that is used for evening and weekend events. Being June in Louisiana, we are guessing that most of these events happen after sundown.
Enjoying Bonfire Country
While the heat and humidity of summer was all around us, we were still enjoying every minute of our visit. The Louisiana River Parishes make a great place to explore history and culture. What we were also learning was that it is also a good destination for culinary adventures. For years, I have watched the Bonfire Country from afar, but now we were actually there. While the actual bonfire celebrations take place on Christmas Eve, the welcoming spirit that permeates the area remains year round. We were also finding that the residents of the River Parishes love sharing their artistic cuisine with visitors. This was something we were enjoying to the fullest, and we were always full.