Little Rock, Arkansas has a lot of unique features, but one really stood out during our research. The Esse Purse Museum is one of only three brick and mortar locations dedicated to the history of one of women’s most interesting accessory and the only one found in the United States. This may not seem like the most expected stop on a couple’s trip, but it was so out of the ordinary that there was no way we could pass it up.
We want to thank the Little Rock CVB and Esse Purse Museum for their hospitality. Rest assured that all opinions are our own.
Why An Esse Purse Museum?
During our visit we had the honor of meeting Anita Davis, the woman behind the museum. Anita saw an area of Little Rock that was prime for a resurgence. The South Main Street area (Nicknamed SOMO) was filled with empty storefronts, like areas found in many metropolitan cities. The addition of an anchor attraction could become the impetus for other small businesses to flourish. The plan was viable, as it has worked in many other places with great success. Bringing a purse museum to the site would certainly create a one-of-a-kind attraction.
What’s Inside
Handbags have been in existence for many centuries, but for the longest time they were simply a utilitarian tool. While there have been examples of decorative leather purses from earlier times, it appears that even through the Dark Ages decorative styles were reserved for the wealthy and influential. Smaller clutches were used for coin purses and men and women alike would use bags of all sizes. Drawstring bags became the rage in the 1800’s and slowly gave way to embroidered styling. It was the 1900’s that saw the largest variations on the handbag, and that is the period Esse Purse Museum focuses on. Stepping into the gallery, we were greeted with a wide range of colors, textures, and styles.
We examined the display cases, as we listened to Anita’s story about her inspiration for starting the museum. The details in many of the pieces are amazing. The exhibits are not limited to just handbags, but also showcase items that would be commonly found in handbags during the appropriate period. It is interesting to see some of the things that would be found throughout the decades. We remembered some of them from our mother’s handbags during our youth.
Making It Modern
The museum is very modern looking and is quite intriguing, especially for a guy. Our sex has always found a little mystery surrounding the purse. It can be less of an accessory at times and more an extension of a woman’s space. There are not many articles that are so associated with women. If you doubt this, just ask a guy to hold a purse in a busy mall. It is a fun way to determine just how comfortable they are with their own sexuality.
As we examined the display cases, we would come across some designs that we didn’t recall. Many we would certainly have remembered, if we had seen them before, since they were so unusual. Here is another spot where men and women differ on accessories. Men’s wallets are usually fairly non-descript, while a woman’s handbag is truly an extension of her fashion. That being said, I was still a little unsure of what the message was that would be given with some of the purses on display. I’m sure they were meant clearly as a “fashion statement” and not necessarily for functional purposes.
Featured Exhibits
At the Esse Purse Museum they strive to include special exhibits that rotate. This allows visitors to have a different experience on subsequent visits. During our stop they were featuring an exhibit dubbed “Up In Smoke”. The display cases are filled with brightly colored smoking accessories that will be readily recognizable to many. These came from a period of history where the idea of smoking was romanticized in the movies, on television, and in print ads everywhere.
Previous rotating exhibits have featured wedding dresses and accessories, women’s shoes, and even lingerie. The current exhibit is ending soon, and will be replaced with an interesting collection of illustrations by Betsy Davis. It will showcase designs of women with handbags through the decades. So for those that are looking for an unusual site to visit during their next Little Rock trip, the Esse Purse Museum will fit that bill perfectly. Who knows, like me you may find a new respect for this under appreciated accessory. Now it’s time for you to confess something. What is the most memorable handbag you have ever owned. Tell us a little about it, and why you loved it so much, in the comments section below!
Truly one of a kind! Did it originate in France? My purses are also nondescript. Haven’t made the transition!
Carol the name is actually Latin for “to be”. I did not ask her the actually origin of the company, but I believe she works with various artists for the merchandise in her storefront.
I’m sure pretty much every woman in the world would enjoy a visit to a purse museum! I don’t go anywhere without my handbag!
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, but not about how much my wife liked it.
I was lucky enough to visit the Esse Purse Museum a few years back and absolutely fell in love with everything about it. What a unique way to experience women’s history. I would recommend the museum to anyone!
So glad you got to see it.
To me, handbags are purely functional, but I can see that some people think differently. There’s certainly a bizarre mix of exhibits at the Esse Purse Museum!
They certainly have a purpose, but some seemed to go way overboard in the decoration department. Almost to the point of being comical.
Not much for purses myself, but I do love a good design museum or any sort.
That’s something we can agree on. We are up for a new lesson wherever we find them.
What fun!! I really, really enjoyed this article and all the photos. Living in East Texas, this museum is relatively close to me. I’ll have to check it out for myself! Thank you for bringing it to the attention of your readers!
We hope you enjoy your visit to the Esse Purse Museum as much as we did.
How glam! I love the mannequins.They lend such a modern vibe. I have been to the purse museum in Amsterdam, and even had lunch in the tea room. My husband enjoyed it as well. You’re a good sport, Jeff.
Thanks, Pamela. My wife knows it wasn’t my cup of tea, but I went in with an educational opportunity mindset, and was not disappointed.
We women do love our purses. I have my own little museum in my closet. I must admit I did think that the Esse Purse Museum would be in Beverly Hills, or at least somewhere in L.A.–where the ladies really do LOVE their purses!
It was a surprise to find it in Little Rock. It just goes to show that there are hidden gems throughout the Central U.S.
Purses are such a great way for women to add a spark of color to their wardrobe! I’m sure I would love the Esse Purse Museum. What a great concept to follow women’s fashion trends. I’m glad you had an open mind and found it interesting!
Thanks! At the end of the day it was another educational opportunity.
I did enjoy this article but wonder what the three stripped black and white things were ,they didn’t look like they could hold anything ,they did not look like any kind of purse , more like lawn chairs folded up .
Those were stools used for the displays.
One of my favorite purses is a rolled Indiana license plate. I think I need to take my Mom to see this place!
I’m sure she would love a visit.