You will find plenty of St. Louis style pizza at Leo's Pizza in Kansas city, Missouri.

Saint Louis Style Pizza In Kansas City – Leo’s Pizza

It never ceases to amaze us, that one specific dish can have so many variations. A prime example of this is pizza. We are sure that images of various versions of this Italian delicacy are floating through your mind. Not only are there a myriad of ingredient combinations, but these days there is an untold amount of crust options. A visit to Leo’s Pizza, at 408 NW Englewood, brought us a new twist, with their Saint Louis style pizza.

It's all about being comfortable at Leo's Pizza in the Northland.


Going Old School

Leo’s Pizza is no newcomer to the Kansas City pizza scene. For over 40 years, they have been slinging dough in the Northland. This family-owned business has developed a solid following from the locals. We had visited once before, during a session of cat-watching for our daughter. With travel calling her away again, we had a great reason to return for more of their St. Louis style pizza. Since our final destination was a few blocks away, we decided to call in an order to go. This is actually a good idea even for in-house dining since Leo’s can get swamped with business just about any evening.

Provel cheese is what makes Leo's Pizza stand out as St. Louis style pizza pies.

It’s All About the Cheese

What’s that you say? You didn’t know there was a Saint Louis style pizza. Of course, there is, and it’s just as unique as its cousins in New York and Chicago. What separates it is the cracker crust that packs a ton of crunch, and the cheese. In St. Louis, they love their thin crusts. The dough is made without yeast, so it won’t rise during baking. This helps impart the textbook crunch and makes a perfect platform for loads of toppings. They also differentiate themselves with a special blend of cheeses. Provolone, Swiss, and White Cheddar are fused into one delicious type named Provel. Its lower melting point lends an almost buttery texture to the pies at Leo’s Pizza. Of course, it can also be widely found all across St. Louis. (Check out 11 things to see and do while visiting St. Louis.)

Once we arrived at our destination, we were anxious to dig into our St, Louis style pizza.

Getting Hangry!

With our ‘grandcat’ waiting for our arrival, we dropped by Leo’s to get our dinner. Even though it was just a few blocks to our final destination, the aroma coming from the pizza box was whipping our appetites into a frenzy. Once inside, it was time to eat. Of course, nothing happens without pictures. Crystal kept the cat occupied, while I did my duty. You can bet that I didn’t waste any time on this task.

A St. Louis style pizza combines well with a simple salad to make a complete meal.

Getting Our Saint Louis Style Pizza

Now it was time to tear into our treasures. Since we had ordered the meat pie, a side salad was required, just to say we had some veggies. The salads at Leo’s Pizza are pretty simple. Chopped Iceberg lettuce, olives, pepperoni slices, and some of their Italian dressing. Of course, they also include some of the Provel cheese as a precursor to the main course.

It takes a crispy crust to hold all of the toppings of a Leo's Pizza pie.

Pleasingly Packed Portions

Our small meat pizza was packed with Canadian bacon, pepperoni, hamburger, Italian sausage, and bacon. The Provel cheese acted as a delectable bonding agent to keep this mass of protein from falling off. Each crunchy piece was savored until we couldn’t eat anymore. I guess the salad did its job in regulating our pizza intake. This meant that I would have enough for a couple of days of leftover lunches at work.

The authors pose for a quick selfie, before digging into the dinner from Leo's Pizza.

More Northland Exploring to Come

With Leo’s Pizza under our belt, we felt like we had satisfied our hankering for Saint Louis style pizza. There were still more evenings of cat-watching to come, so it was apparent that we would be sampling some other KC restaurants, north of the river. We hadn’t spent much time in this area for quite a few years, so we knew it was time to feature eateries for those who live or visit Gladstone. Be sure to check back over the next few weeks to see what other Northland delights we uncover. In the meantime, why not clue us in on some of your favorites?

the authors signatures.


6 thoughts on “Saint Louis Style Pizza In Kansas City – Leo’s Pizza”

  1. I have been eating Leo’s pizza since I was a kid. I love the Provel cheese and even buy it at the store or in house if I am at Leo’s. Although as I get older the Provel does a number on my belly so I opt to get half Provel and half Mozz and it has satisfied me every time. I also keep a jar of their home made dressing along with the Provel so I can make the salad at home!! You can also do a half bake and no cut, so they bake it only halfway and then you can take it home and bake it the rest of the way ensuring a very hot pizza. Love me some Leo’s!!

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